Best Time to Visit the Grand Canyon

As one of the natural wonders of the world, Grand Canyon National Park showcases its splendor year-round, and there are things to appreciate about this stunning precipice in each season. 


Location of Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park is located in northern Arizona. This park is immense, spanning two separate rims that are approximately 4 hours apart: the North Rim and the South Rim.

What to Know Before You Go

Hours: Open 24 hours a day year-round (though North Rim facilities and roads close between October – May).

When is the Best Time to Visit the Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon National Park is an outdoor haven, where you can hike for days, soak in the unparalleled sights, learn about the history and geography,

Spring in the Grand Canyon

Spring in the Grand Canyon sees the re-emergence of activity on both the North and South rims, though to differing degrees.  The South Rim roads and facilities are open year round,

Summer in the Grand Canyon

Summer is often considered the best time to visit the Grand Canyon in order to have full access to all the highlights on both rims.

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