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Book Review : The Happiness Story – Unlocking the Secrets to Living Your Best Life by Savi Sharma

What’s the secret to living a happy life? This question must have crossed your mind from time to time, as we all lead our lives in pursuit of the perfect answer. But there is no perfect answer. There is no single formula, rather it’s a combination of numerous habits and qualities that guide our lives towards happiness. This includes our daily routines, our connections, our mindset, and many more such factors. We all desire a happy and fulfilling life, and to provide you with a few mantras for achieving that, best-selling author Savi Sharma has written her new book, The Happiness Story. The book is divided into six distinct parts, each containing chapters that discuss different aspects of life and how we can approach them in the best possible way.

About the Book

She begins with a highly relatable topic: the loss of a loved one. She eloquently captures how losing someone close to us can tear us apart, and the impact can be so profound that we lose ourselves along with them. Savi Sharma advocates for celebrating and honoring their beautiful life rather than dwelling in mourning. Continuing with life is essential to keep moving forward.

She quotes RUMI 

“Life is too short to be anything but happy.”

“Life is too short to be anything but happy.”

Another crucial aspect that the book delves into is self-awareness. It challenges us to examine whether we truly know ourselves – our desires, aspirations, and purpose in life. Often, we succumb to the pressure of societal expectations, projecting a fabricated image of ourselves to the world. This tendency has been exacerbated by the prominence of social media, where individuals strive to portray an idealized version of their lives, even if it necessitates embellishing or fabricating the truth.

In today’s society, people have become increasingly preoccupied with seeking external validation, often at the expense of their own values and well-being. However, it is crucial to prioritize virtues such as compassion, honesty, and gratitude rather than succumbing to the pursuit of external validation. These virtues serve as the foundation for a meaningful and fulfilling life, enabling us to connect with others authentically and cultivate inner peace.

We should reflect on our impact. Author Savi Sharma encourages us to ponder the impact we want to leave on the world. She emphasizes that the kind of legacy we wish to leave behind is a personal choice, and rightfully so. Let us strive to leave an indelible mark on the world, one that is remembered long after we are gone.

We should shed our fear of ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ and boldly confront whatever challenges hold us back, whether it’s initiating open communication about our concerns or pursuing that job application that has been lingering on our minds. Embracing this attitude of courage opens up a world of possibilities, empowering us to shape our own destinies.

Change is inevitable, Growth is optional – John C. Maxwell.

Pursuing our passions and interests is another key to a happy and fulfilling life. Savi Sharma exemplifies this principle by following her inner calling to become a writer, leaving behind her CA studies. A life devoid of passion is a life unlived. It’s never too late to rediscover your purpose and reassess your chosen path. We all possess an inner voice that guides us towards our true calling. Embrace the spirit of exploration and delve into the activities that pique your curiosity. The satisfaction derived from pursuing your passions is unparalleled. I’ve witnessed this firsthand with a former student of mine. While preparing for the CAT exam, he discovered a passion for graphic design, initially taking it up as a mere hobby. However, his fascination with graphic design grew so intense that it took precedence over his CAT preparation. The sheer joy he exudes while creating and sharing his designs is a testament to the power of pursuing one’s passions.

Building upon this notion, I’d like to highlight another crucial point emphasized in the book: it’s perfectly normal to feel confused and uncertain at times. We all experience moments of self-doubt, questioning our actions and even our very existence. However, it’s essential to remember that these feelings are temporary and a natural part of the human experience. Life is not meant to be a never-ending pursuit of perfection. It’s okay to feel lost or unsure at times; what matters is finding the strength to emerge from these phases and regain control over our lives.

I vividly recall the song “Paradise” by the renowned boy band BTS. One of its poignant lines echoes deeply:

“It’s alright to stop. You don’t need to run without knowing why.

It’s alright to not have any dreams, If you have moments where you can feel happiness.”

This powerful message reminds us that the relentless pursuit of dreams and goals is not the sole measure of a fulfilling life. It’s perfectly acceptable to take a pause, to question our motivations, and to acknowledge that true happiness can be found in the simple moments of joy and contentment.

The author delves into the profound impact of the people we surround ourselves with on our lives. She emphasizes the importance of cultivating strong and supportive relationships, whether with friends or family. To illustrate this point, she shares a personal anecdote about how her parents played a pivotal role in encouraging her to make small but significant efforts toward her well-being during a challenging period in her life.

love yourself

Another crucial aspect highlighted in the book is the significance of self-love. Self-love encompasses embracing and appreciating ourselves for who we are, imperfections, and all. When we cultivate self-love, we are more inclined to prioritize our physical and emotional well-being, make healthy decisions, and pursue our aspirations and dreams. Additionally, self-love enhances our ability to love and accept others. It empowers us to establish healthy boundaries and effectively communicate our needs.

Self-love encompasses the holistic care of our mental and physical well-being. As highlighted in the book, essential practices for cultivating self-love include maintaining a good sleep routine, adopting a healthy diet, engaging in regular exercise, and creating a peaceful living environment.

To allow our hearts to heal, we must break free from the shackles of pain and guilt. A heart burdened by resentment is unable to heal and continues to suffer perpetual hurt.

Savi Sharma aptly describes the therapeutic power of simple pleasures in life, such as basking in the warmth of the sun, immersing ourselves in nature’s embrace, and observing the carefree joy of children at play. These often-overlooked experiences hold immense healing potential, offering respite from the stresses and strains of our fast-paced lives. Additionally, taking regular breaks and prioritizing time for self-rejuvenation are essential practices for maintaining emotional well-being in this demanding world.

Savi Sharma challenges the perception that happiness is solely dependent on our partners. She reminds us that true happiness stems from within, emphasizing the importance of cultivating inner contentment.

In addition to the insights I’ve shared, The Happiness Story offers a wealth of practical strategies and wisdom for cultivating a happy and fulfilling life. Embark on this journey of self-discovery by immersing yourself in the pages of Savi Sharma’s inspiring work.

What I love most about this book is the inclusion of so many quotes by renowned personalities. What makes it such a good read is that it weaves these quotes into the narrative in a way that is both insightful and inspiring. As a big fan of quotes, I absolutely loved reading them. For e.g.

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible – Dalai Lama XIV

A mind with all logic is like a knife with all blades. It makes the hand bleed that uses it. – Rabindranath Tagore.

This book presents real-life mantras, and they become even more meaningful because of Savi Sharma’s personal stories, whether it’s her lost friendship or her dealing with postpartum depression. The mantras are not something we haven’t heard of before, but sometimes we need someone to say it to us again and again to believe in them. To believe that if they can, we can too. She doesn’t shy away from presenting the most difficult phases of her life, which is commendable as it makes you believe in whatever she is trying to portray. It also makes it easily relatable to us. So go ahead and try reading ‘The Happiness Story‘ by Savi Sharma to know more realistic secrets of living your best life.

Lets do some soul searching and opt for the sunny side of life

In Savi Sharma’s own words, “Let’s do some soul searching and opt for the sunny side of life.”

I’m concluding this post with the sincere hope that you all find healing from whatever burdens you carry and embark on a journey toward a joyful life filled with love, peace, and passion.

About the Author 

Savi Sharma is an Indian novelist. She is the author of the best-selling novel Everyone Has a Story. She is also the co-founder of the motivational media blog “Life & People” where she writes about positivity, meditation, the law of attraction, and spirituality. She is India’s first successful female self-published author. Savi Sharma achieved the literary milestone of selling 100,000 copies of her debut novel, Everyone Has A Story, in 100 days. She became India’s fastest-selling debut author, and the first author to secure a stronghold in the Nielson Top 10 list for 24 weeks.

This review is powered by the Blogchatter Book Review Program. You can buy the book from Amazon

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The Happiness Story: Unlocking the Secrets to Living Your Best Life by Savi Sharma

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