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things to do in venice

Eight Best Things to Do at Venice Beach

Palm trees. Sunny weather. People from all walks of life. These are hallmarks of many Californian cities, including Venice Beach. Every time Venice pops up in a movie or TV show, you can bet these features get plenty of screentime. However, this city has quite a few hidden depths. And the only way to experience them is to visit Venice Beach.

things to do in venice


So, let’s embark on a trip together. Let’s see all there is to see and experience everything this city has to offer. Let’s travel to famous locations and secret spots. By the time we’re done, you’ll see that there’s a massive difference between Googling a city and visiting Venice Beach. Pack your essential items, then store the rest with a luggage storage service.

Read more: Important Things You Must Always Carry While Travelling Internationally

Take a trip to Abbot Kinney

California is a very driver-centric state. What do we mean by that? Simply put, it’s hard to do much in the Golden State without a set of wheels. Disneyland, Hollywood, and Venice Beach are all separated by miles of road and grid-locked traffic.

things to do in venice

However, a lot of California’s most unique landmarks lie right off the beaten path. Abbot Kinney isn’t one of them. This unique landmark actually is a part of the beaten path. There are plenty of shops, restaurants, and lounging areas in this mile-long area. That, as well as dozens of street performers and urban art pieces, make Abbot Kinney worth the trip.


Take a walk down Muscle Beach Venice

There’s a saying in the American military; “Pain is just weakness leaving the body”. At first, we thought, “Nah, sometimes pain is just pain”. Then we visited Muscle Beach Venice, and we figured out exactly what that quote meant.

Just like its Santa Monica sister location, Muscle Beach Venice is a haven for fitness enthusiasts, gym rats, and weight plate heads. We totally just made up that last nickname. Do you know what we didn’t make up? The fact that Arnold Schwarzenegger is a regular here. You’re going to feel very inspired after just one trip.

High Rooftop Lounge

Relax at the High Rooftop Lounge

California is a truly beautiful state. Folks who’ve lived here all their lives are kind of used to that beauty. After all, the Golden State looks a lot less glamorous while you’re commuting to work and/or school. But, there are certain places that resonate with even native Californians.

We’re talking about venues that offer breathtaking views of California’s cities. We’re talking about venues like the High Rooftop Lounge. Here, guests can get a sweeping view of Venice Beach. Adjustable fire pits allow visitors to go sightseeing during the day and at night. Stop by the Hotel Erwin, then make your way up.


Go and see the Venice Sign

Venice Beach is undoubtedly a special city. And, we’ve always wondered what exactly makes it special. After all, California has more than a few unique towns – namely in the Southern region. If you asked 100 people what makes Venice Beach special, you might very well get 100 different answers.

Our answer is simple; we think character and charm are what make Venice Beach unforgettable. Those two traits are reflected by the legendary Venice Sign. This iconic neon landmark hangs right above the intersection at Pacific Avenue and Windward Avenue. Countless visitors have taken selfies with the sign. While you’re visiting Venice Beach, we highly encourage you to do the same.

Take a walk down the Venice Canals

If you don’t take anything else from this article, know this – European culture is very popular in Venice Beach. From Baroque artists to contemporary paintings, the influences are clearly there. The Venice Canals provide further proof of Europe’s influence over the city. These waterways were inspired by the very canals that flow through Venice, Italy. Visitors are more than welcome to row their way down the canals or simply take a seat and appreciate the gorgeous scenery.

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