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InstaMosiacStudio – Perfect Gift for My Parents on their 28th Marriage Anniversary

“Mom and Dad, I cannot begin to describe how blessed I am to have amazing parents in my life. Seeing true love through you both makes my heart happy. As your son I see perfection in both of you. I love you.”

Wishing your Mom and Dad a happy anniversary is more than creating a message that captures their love, care and affection. It’s creating an ardent demonstration of everything their love has inspired and nurtured throughout the years. Taking them back to the day they first met on this planet and their affection started, and how it has developed during the time can be an extraordinary way of wishing them a happy anniversary.

Last month my parents celebrated their 28th marriage anniversary and I am pretty much confused about what should I gift to my parents. One fine day, I am just scrolling through the web and stumbled upon to www.instamosaicstudio.in. They are into personalized gifting options for every age. They offer uniqueness and exclusivity in their product range. I am also quite impressed by their Tagline “Your Memories. Redefined.” After checking out their web portal, I have ordered the beautiful “Jab We Met” Frame for my parents as their 28th marriage anniversary gift. The supportive team at Insta Mosaic Studio helped me create the most memorable gift with their lovely collection of frames which you can personalise in the most innovative style.

Mom and Dad with Jab We Met Frame

Let’s check out the unboxing video of the Jab We Met Frame

How to order:

  1. Upload your photo
  2. Select text for the frame from the menu, for example “Jab We Met”
  3. Select your date when you first meet
  4. Enter your names. For example “Raj & Simran”
  5. Enter the location in the map. You can move the map around. Mark the heart on your location. If your location is not available, you can search for a nearby location/area or you can Whatsapp your location to 7434065995.

Product Specifications:

  • Size: 12×12 Inches
  • Material: Matte Black Laminated Frame (Splash Proof)
  • Delivery within 5-8 working days
  • They will share a preview of the frame on your Whatsapp number after order is placed for any corrections.

Order your Jab We Met photo frame now in just 5 minutes

So if you guys are looking for personalised Secret Santa Gifts. I would definitely suggest you to checkout InsataMosaicStudio portal. However, they also have various other gifting options apart from Jab we met frames, one can choose as per the occasion and budget. Personalised picture frames are the best gift option for everyone.

There are 21 comments

  1. I just want to greet your parents and say Congratulations on their 28th Anniversary. That gift idea is super sweet!

  2. Congrats to your parents on being married 28 years! That’s awesome. I really like this gift a lot. It’s so unique and personal.

  3. To congrats to your parents on 28 years that’s wonderful. Wish them many more. I love personal gifting ideas it’s much more meaningful and the video is an instant memory!

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