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Sanitizing and other measures before I go out

Sanitizing and other measures before I go out

Almost everyone in the world has started to adopt this ‘new normal’ with a mask on and a sanitizer bottle in the pocket. Life is moving although a little slow and with more caution. The lockdown is unlocking slowly and gradually, and safeguarding oneself is of prominence across places. Before going out, people have started to brainstorm on how to sanitize themselves. Wearing a mask, sanitizing at intervals, wearing gloves, and using disinfectant wipes are the new ways of sanitization.  

We cannot deny the importance of sanitization but we should adhere to the process of sanitization and the products we use to safeguard ourselves during this lockdown scenario. 

What type of mask you should use?

Face masks do prevent the spread of any kind of infection and do save us from the pollution as well. People, nowadays, are using homemade cloth masks, surgical masks and N95 masks. Both surgical masks and N95 masks have their benefits listed. On the other hand, homemade masks need to be paired with a face shield for optimum safety. This puts almost everyone in the dilemma as to which mask is safe. Below, we have listed a few parameters that you should consider while purchasing a mask:

  1. High particle filtration capability for maximum protection from microbes 
  2. Tested for quality by NABL certified labs. An ISI Certification is an added advantage 
  3. Fitting: It should give you a tight yet comfortable facial fit with a flexible nose space for better adjustment.
  4. Liquid resistant and breathable to wear


Types of masks available in the market by Welspun Health:

  1. WN-95 Respirator
  2. 3 Ply Disposable Mask
  3. Reusable Fabric Mask
  • Anti-Bacterial Reusable Mask
  • Liquid Resistant Reusable Mask

Important measures to take before you head out after the lockdown:

  1. Check your body temperature. If it is above 98.9 degrees Fahrenheit, then prefer to stay home.
  2. Wear an anti-bacterial and liquid resistant mask that is specially #MadeToProtect. Welspun Health Liquid resistant masks repel liquids & fluids which is an added protection against sneezes and coughs. It also protects against dust and various allergens present in the air. Masks from Welspun Health are such that they are untouched by bare hand during the manufacturing process. In fact their reusable masks provide a 99.9% bacterial protection! Enhancing your safety, Welspun carries it years-old legacy forward with its masks that are #MadeToProtect
  3. When in a public place, maintain social distancing. 


While adopting these measures in our lives, we should not be ignorant of our environment. For this, choose a mask that is easily degradable or can be reused. 

If you are heading back to work after the lockdown, make sure that you practice all the guidelines given for how to sanitize yourself in India and follow them at your workplace or wherever you go. 


  1. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html  
  2. https://www.popsci.com/story/environment/lockdown-coronavirus-covid-go-outside/ 
  3. https://www.unicef.org/coronavirus/cleaning-and-hygiene-tips-help-keep-coronavirus-covid-19-out-your-home 
  4. http://cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/cleaning-disinfection.html


There are 17 comments

  1. Thanks for educating us about how to protect ourselves adequately in these pandemic times. Your article is well-detailed. Your take on the different types of masks is Instructive.

  2. Sanitizing is no longer a question in this time and age, but the question is the best way to go about it and also the best mask to use. There are many confusions out there as to which is the best mask, but you have succeeded at putting this to rest by giving us all the qualities of a good mask. I’m sure this will help a lot of us going forward.

  3. It is crazy what our norm has become. Sanitizing, disinfecting, wearing a mask. I feel as if we are going to be living out a post-apocalyptic movie soon. Something like Mad Max.

  4. It is indeed the new normal to include a mask and sanitizer along with other “must-haves” when leaving the house. Great suggestions!

  5. I wish you the best… I will just stay home. People are going to get sick regardless. Just need to better equip our immune systems. I am glad you are doing what you feel protects you. I hope you stay healthy.

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