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Anu_Hungry Travellers

Anu & Pavan | HungryTravellers | Couple Travel Bloggers Interview Series

In our series of interviews with travel blogger and influencers across the globe, we look for travel influencers and nomads with interesting lives who can share some inspiring stories and useful advice from their experience. This week we have Anu & Pavandeep from HungryTravellers blog.

An Interview With Anu & Pavandeep from HungryTravellers

Anu_Hungry Travellers

Tell us a bit about yourself

We are Anu, Pavan and little Kabir off on an adventure together to go outside our comfort zone and have new experiences together. Pavan and I have always loved travel and we did not want this to end once we had Kabir. We wanted him to experience it and love it like we do. So when he was all of 1 year old we challenged ourselves to do #12months12trips. That entire year we did thirteen trips, local, international, by car, train and flight. And something happened that changed us. We learnt so much, we grew so much and most importantly we spent incredible times together as a family. We now try and live our life the same way, constantly pushing boundaries and trying to live just outside our comfort zone, ’cause that’s where the magic happens.

What’s your biggest achievement as a Travel Blogger?

To be able to create the community that we have. We are really grateful for the love and encouragement we receive and we love this community that we have built.

You have an unlimited travel budget for 24 hours. Give me your itinerary.

A couple of options – A super luxurious over the water villa in Soneva Fushi in Maldives, or live in a glass igloo in Finland or live in the private underwater sea room in the Manta Resort in Zanzibar or live at the Giraffe Manor in Kenya!

Anu_Hungry Travellers

How do you fund your travel?

We are not full time travellers. Both of us work. Pavan is in the food business and I teach performing arts to children. We save save save! We live very minimal lives in terms of material possessions. We hardly shop for anything – be it clothes, things for our house or any other material goods. We prefer to save our money and travel for experiences.

What is the single most effective strategy that a blogger can use to bring traffic to a blog?

Put out relevant, authentic content. The audience today can sense what is real and what is not. Being real, relatable and honest is the key to building a relationship with your audience. And the next most important thing is putting out useful, consistent content.

What is the first trip you remember taking and how old were you?

For me personally, I remember being just 4 or 5 when I went to cochin with my grandparents to spend the summer with some cousins. And then my whole childhood was full of road trips. Every summer we would load our car and take off from Mumbai to Pune, Dharwar, Goa and many more places. For Pavan also his earliest memories are of road trips from Bangalore to Ooty, Coonoor, Kodaikanal etc.

Anu_Hungry Travellers

Have you been anywhere which turned out to be totally different to how you imagined? If so, how?

Well Paris and Venice were both pleasant surprises to us. We had heard from so many people about how both are over so rated, and had heard people having rather bad experiences in both places. But we absolutely loved them ! The people were so welcoming, the cities gorgeous and the food delicious!

Have you had any bad experiences whilst travelling?

Yes, as has everybody I’m sure. Flights have been delayed, luggage lost, buses missed, camera bag almost lost, we have been tired and jet lagged and it’s been tought at times especially with a small baby in tow. But we still would not trade it for anything. Every bad experience has also taught us so much – Patience, compassion, the ability to wait, the skill to navigate ourselves in a foreign country – and that’s ultimately what makes us grow as individuals, right?


Where is your favourite place in the world?

Wow thats hard. For me, Anu, I would go back to the Philippines in a heartbeat. For Pavan it would be New York. He loves the vibe of that city.

Do you have a bucket list? If so what is on it?

This would be a long list ! But our top five at the moment would be Japan, Bhutan, Iceland, Raja Ampat islands and an African safari.

Anu_Hungry Travellers

If you were not travelling what would you be doing instead?

We are lucky enough to be doing what we love alongside travel. Pavan is in the food business – he has a restaurant called Tadka Singh and is also the co-founder of a food startup called Tasty Tales. I was a professional dancer for many years and I now teach performing arts to children and am a content creator.

What has travel taught you?

So much. But most importantly that when you push yourself to experience new cultures, new cuisine, new landscapes; you come to realize what a tiny, insignificant part of this world you are. It’s a truly humbling and enriching experience.


Who, in your opinion, is the most successful travel blogger?

Why do you think that is? For us it is the Bucket list Family purely because they are so inspirational. They travel the world with their three children, they share their heart warming stories, and are always so real and honest about their adventures. It’s beautiful to watch their children become such strong, brave individuals through their travels and adventures.

Do you prefer solo travel or with someone else?

We love travelling together as a family.

Anu_Hungry Travellers

If you could swim with dolphins or go shark diving, which would you pick? and why?

We have already swum with the whale shark in Philippines and swimming with dolphins would be such a memorable experience so definitely dolphins for now !

What is your dream travelling experience?

We would absolutely love to take a month or two off and hire a caravan and drive around New Zealand !

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